
Thursday, August 8, 2019

Three Questions on Ultrasound (500 words per question) Term Paper

Three Questions on Ultrasound (500 words per question) - Term Paper Example In the Spatial Substance Picture strategy, pictures of an item are taken from different perspectives, and then are mixed to form an averaged picture quickly. This picture gives the better representation of the item, finding all the minute details. The resulting picture is the compound picture, displaying better picture quality as compared to the traditional ultrasound examination pictures. A study of research of difference reveals that the spatial compound imaging gives better meaning for the soft-tissue of the body with reduced disturbance distortions, in evaluation to the traditional top quality sonographic ultrasound examination The drawback of speckle reduction in compound sonography is overcome by the frequency compound imaging, using higher harmonics of frequencies. The conventional sonography is performed on lower harmonics, which are more probable to the speckle noise effect, thus altering the sonogram information. The using of advanced harmonics in frequency compound imaging ensures that a much wider bandwidth of the transducer frequency is achieved, where the received frequency is double the intensity of the transmitted frequency. Therefore, the echo of the transmitted sound wave that is reflected back after striking a tissue is stronger in the case of frequency compound imaging, thus generating a clearer image (Chan & Perlas, 2011). Also in the diagnosis of deeper organs and lesion, the 3D/ 4D techniques are very useful, as it has a simple and reproducible methodology. This makes it easier to get the image of the same organ at different intervals (Layyous, 2012). The multi beam technique generates multiple lines of the transmitted beam to be sent at once from the probe. These multiple lines then overlap when several beams have been sent, and carry the detailed information about the test organ. They are then separated in the reconstruction stage of the analysis where all the information is dealt separately. The

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